If you are scrolling down you may find information regarding the story line of Red Dead Redemption 1!Game plot - Red Dead Redemption 1
Red Dead Redemption is a Western-themed action-adventure game played from a third-person perspective. The player controls John Marston and completes missions—linear scenarios with set objectives—to progress through the story; in the game’s epilogue, the player controls John’s son Jack. Outside of missions, players may freely roam the open world environment, consisting of the American states New Austin and West Elizabeth—fictionalized versions of the Western United States—and the fictional Mexican state of Nuevo Paraíso. Different breeds of horses are the main forms of transportation, each with different attributes. Horses must be tamed in the wild or stolen in order to use them. The player can utilize trains and carriages for quick travel, The game’s undeveloped land makes up the largest portion of the game world, featuring various rugged and vast landscapes with occasional travelers, bandits, and wildlife. Urban settlements range from isolated farmhouses to crowded towns. (source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dead_Redemption)
How many chapters in Red Dead Redemption 1?
List of chapters in Red Dead Redemption 1
- Exodus in America
- New Friends Old Problems
- Obstacles in Our Path
- This is Armadillo USA
- Political Realities in Armadillo
- Justice in Pikes Basin
- Women and Cattle
- Wild Horses Tamed Passions
- A Tempest Looms
- Old Swindlerer Blues
- Spare the Rod, Spoil the Bandit
- The Burning
- Hanging Bonnie MacFarlane
- You Shall Not Give False Testimony
- Exhuming and Other Fine Hobbies
- Liars Cheats and Other Proud Americans
- Can a Swindler Change His Spots
- The Sport of Kings and Liars
- A Frenchman A Welshman and An Irishman
- Man Is Born Unto Trouble
- A Gentle Drive with Friends
- Let the Dead Bury Their Dead
- On Shaky’s Ground
- The Assault on Fort Mercer
- We Shall Be Together in Paradise
- The Gunslingers Tragedy
- Langdon Ricketts Rides Again
- Lucky in Love
- The Mexican Wagon Train
- Civilization At Any Price
- The Demon Drink
- Empty Promises
- Mexican Caesar
- My Sisters Keeper
- Must a Savior Die
- Cowards Die Many Times
- Father Abraham
- Captain De Santas Downfall
- The Great Mexican Train Robbery
- Gates of El Presidio
- An Appointed Time
- Bear One Anothers Burden
- At Home with Dutch
- Great Men Are Not Always Wise
- For Purely Scientific Reasons
- The Prodigal Son Returns to Yale
- And You Will Know the Truth
- And the Truth Will Set You Free
- The Outlaws Return
- Pestilence
- Old Friends New Problems
- By Sweat and Toil
- A Continual Feast
- John Marston and Son
- Wolves Dogs and Sons
- Spare the Love Spoil the Child
- The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed
- Remember My Family
(Main missions only.)
How many side missions in Red Dead Redemption 1?
List of side missions in
- American Appetites
- American Lobbyist
- Aztec Gold
- California
- Deadalus and Son
- Eva in Peril
- Flowers for a Lady
- Funny Man
- I Known You
- Jenny’s Faith
- Let No Man Put Asunder
- Lights, Camera, Action
- Love is the Opiate
- Poppycock
- Remember My Family
- The Prohibitionist
- The Wronged Woman
- Water and Honesty
- Who Are You to Judge
- Sharp Shooter (10)
- Survivalist (10)
- Master Hunter (10)
- Treasure Hunter (10)
- Americus Roe
- Benito Penagarza
- Cesar Higveras
- Charlie Hinkle
- Charlie Mash
- Cody Witlow
- Cooper Reed
- Cristo Bustamante
- Dakota
- Dale Chesson
- Geraldo Elisaldez
- Grant Avery
- Harlan Forbes
- Harry Dobbing
- Hestor Frith
- Honovi
- Irvin Pennick
- Isaiah Greeley
- Jorge Reynoso
- Julian Coronado
- Julius Grimes
- Kent Gallaway
- Lester Dugan
- Link Huston
- Mateo Clisante
- Maurice Sweet
- Melvin Spinney
- Mo Van Barr
- Moses Lowson
- Perry Rose
- Quinn Malloy
- Ralph Stricker
- Ramiro De La Torre
- Raul Ontiveros
- Roscoe Duffy
- Rufus Higbee
- Selestino Herrada
- Sergio Abelda
- Slink Bradshaw
- Stanley Mund
- Wade Bassett
- Zebedee Nash
How long to beat Red Dead Redemption 1?