HowManyChapters.com is a community site for gamers about one of the most important questions: How many Chapters are in a certain game? You can also find other useful information regarding the exact list of main missions, the number of side missions, the list of side missions, a short game plot, genre, available gaming platforms, and also information on how long to beat a game in a hurry or as a completionist.
HowManyChapters.com was made by a father and his two twelve year son during the COVID-19 quarantine between March – June 2020.
A little bit later on we saw that many people are also looking for answers to questions like ‘How many chapters are in a book?’ and ‘How long to read it?’ so we decided to expand the post types with books.
If you want to join our community and help us to make the game database even bigger, you can register here, after that you can submit a ‘How many chapters’ game or book information.
We often use the following sources when creating game data sheets: